Advance towards a zero-touch, zero-error central pharmacy

Performance-driven central pharmacy automated medication dispensing solutions. Improve safety, workflow, and inventory optimisation in your pharmacy.

Central pharmacy is the hub of care that patients and providers depend on. Roadblocks that surface there can influence all other areas of a healthcare system. Manual and disjointed processes get in the way of workflow efficiency—and safety. Not knowing the complete picture of medication inventory creates low accountability. It also leads to a higher chance of errors, waste, and uncontrolled costs.

Transform your pharmacy to focus on clinically meaningful work

It starts with Omnicell robotic solutions that automate everything. This includes medication dispensing, sorting, packaging, and retrieval. This technology will free up clinicians for more patient-focused activities. As a result, your central pharmacy can be transformed into the smart, efficient, and accurate hub of care you need it to be.

Streamlined, automated storage and retrieval

Reducing the amount of time pharmacists and technicians have to spend picking and stocking medications is a key aim. Our central pharmacy automation storage and retrieval systems enable this.

Omnicell’s solutions help streamline the medication ordering process. They also assure patient safety, workflow efficiency and improved inventory control.

Reducing the amount of time pharmacists and technicians have to spend picking and stocking medications is a key aim. Our central pharmacy automation storage and retrieval systems enable this.

Omnicell’s solutions help streamline the medication ordering process. They also assure patient safety, workflow efficiency and improved inventory control.

Better control over controlled substances

Drug diversion is among the most difficult challenges that hospitals face today. Omnicell’s controlled substance management system for central pharmacy helps hospitals extend accountability. They do this from the time that controlled substances are received, to when they are dispensed to patients, and returned back to the pharmacy. This automation gives you greater peace of mind about the security of controlled substances in your facility. 

Discover how you can close gaps and better track controlled substances between the pharmacy and patient care units.

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Manage controlled substance inventory and comply with regulatory standards while increasing efficiency.

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